Thursday, February 19, 2009

I got stung by a bee and flew like a butterfly…

So last story first, I’ll work backwards. Last day in Tikamgarh – my last destination – my visit has already been extended by three more days. I love it here so I’m glad. There are five team members and me. We all eat together and all the girls live together and all the boys live together. 
Ok back to last day – me and a guy who works here, Prajwalit, were coming back from visiting far away fields (once again of chili, pomegranates and papayas). Happily coming through the fields and dirt roads on his bike, we have to go under this tree. Just as we go under, I see a boy throw a stick at the tree and suddenly things are swarming around us. They are really small and look like flies. I’m not sure what’s happening but suddenly Prajwalit speeds up, knocking the wind out of me. Imagine a motorcycle racing into a village, followed by bees… ok so I know it looks slightly funny. It wasn’t so at the moment. I’m screaming – what’s going on? Suddenly, piercing pain in my hand!!!! AHHHH dumb bee. We stop. I can’t take out the sting. Prajwalit has been bitten twice. We were a sight to look at. Eventually the bees leave, as we try to cover ourselves as much as possible. Then the crowds come:
- Your hands going to swell to twice that size
- You should get a shot
- The bees want their own self-help group, they are mad
- You should pray to the bees now
And my favorite:
- The bees follows you because of one of you stepped in cow urine (of course we blame each other)
Many suggestions later, we get white powder put on our wounds – which stung like whoa. But alas, we weren’t done with work. So off we went with wounded hands to visit more fields. We never did find that boy who was behind this…


Anonymous said...


Sorry you got stung by a bee. Hope you are feeling better now and take care of the wound.
This is also an experience in your life as well as part of your experience in India. Your narrative is humorous too... Don't forget to compile all these entries into the book you are going to write :)
Keep them coming... As always I enjoy them a lot.

H.a.T. said...
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H.a.T. said...

kubes, love the play on words with the title. I'm glad you are enjoying your stay and work. blog often, you definitely have a fan base. miss u

Tina said...

You're the next Muhammad Ali!! hehe ;) Hope you're feeling better!